MaxAir Trampolines is proud to introduce our line of Elite and Super Elite springs! These are alternate designs that can be substituted for our Regular Side and Super Side springs, featuring thicker, robust coils. We’ve tested these on various trampoline frames to ensure proper sizing. Why? So you don’t snap your frame in half when you upgrade!

Many told us. Some told us in an unfriendly manner.

A few asked kindly.

We’ve listened to all.

We invite you to try our latest creations. Our first set of springs, named Elite Springs, are intended for use on competition-sized trampolines and gtramps. 

Our second set of springs, Super Elites, are designed for super trampolines with a footprint over 100 feet (30.5m) such as our Home Air Pro, Super Quad or Super Tramp. Either set will have you bouncing a bit differently than our typical Regular or Super Springs.

A set of Elite Springs (top set) on a popular gtramp frame & springs (bottom set) with a custom-sized string bed.
Both Elite & Super Elite Springs can be used for any & all trampoline applications.

Ultimately, here’s the deal on our Elite & Super Elites:

  • Thicker gauge steel
  • Wider coil wind
  • Deeper bounces
  • Longer stretches
  • Quicker rebounds
  • Faster action
  • Softer bounces
  • Much easier on the knees

Yes, that last one can help athletes in later stages of life enjoy the same tricks of their youth. At the same time, younger athletes can take advantage of the quicker snaps and faster action while enjoying that signature spongy soft boing boing.

If you are looking for a custom world class trampoline spring trusted by professional athletes, request a quote, email, or call us today!

Our team is happy to answer any questions to help you create the trampoline spring of your dreams


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