Trampoline Bed Fitment Form

MaxAir Trampolines uses this form to collect the data necessary to supply you with the correct trampoline bounce mat bedding and/or the correct amount and type of springs it requires. These 8 easy measurements may be taken while the bed is installed. If the bed is uninstalled, measure by pulling the trampoline bed taut as tight as possible by hand.


The material of your trampoline bounce mat bedding.
Manufacturer, Make and Model if available.

ie 3 1/2" or 3.5 inches
ie 3 1/2" or 3.5 inches
Measure from ground to bed (if installed) or from ground to frame-spring attachment point.
When uninstalled, loose.
When installed and taut to both frame and bed. Measure from point of contact with the trampoline frame eyelet or wire frame.
The distance between each spring attached to the wide side of the trampoline bed.
The distance between each spring attached to the long side of the trampoline bed.
Measure from inside of the frame to the inside of the opposite frame.

Measure from inside of the frame to the inside of the opposite frame.
The total number of springs attached to one side of the trampoline's width.
The total number of springs attached to one side of the trampoline's length.
Straight attached springs only. Do not count angled springs.

Please feel free to add any comments or questions for further clarification.
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