MaxAir Residential Projects

How Does a MaxAir Residential Project Flow?

Let’s say you’ve already reached out to us & explained your dream project. You’ve given us measurements of your future trampoline area. You’ve approved the design & paid your 50% deposit. Now your installation kit is on its way to your house. What happens next?

If you want someone to handle the project for you, you will work with a landscape architect for outdoor installations or a general contractor for an indoor installation. If you want someone to only dig your pit & would prefer the MaxAir Technical Team to install the trampoline, you’ll only need an excavation company. There are many ways to go about a trampoline installation & we’re here to help you every step of the way.

Depending on the size of your trampoline, a small backhoe or earth mover will dig out the pit for your in-ground trampoline. Once it is dug out, the surface areas will be smoothed & leveled. Afterward, either a wood or concrete retaining wall is built. The surfaces of the pit are covered in garden fabric & crushed stone to help drain water & block weed growth. A mow strip of crushed stone surrounds the perimeter of the trampoline & ties the landscape together beautifully.

How It Works

Stage 1

Tell Us About Your Project

Stage 2

Take Measurements & Sketch Designs

Stage 3


Imagine: a trampoline paradise on your terms

You're only limited by imagination & perhaps a ceiling. Call us, submit a form, or email. We love chatting over what could be or if you prefer getting down to brass tacks, discuss optimal stud placement & carpet-bonded foam thicknesses. Remember, you're entitled to a free consultation plus 1 hour of free design time.

Here’s a few of our previous projects to get you going:

  • Trampoline Room
  • SlamBall Court
  • In-Ground Swimming Pool with Removable Fly Bed
  • Trampwall with Jump Tower
  • Sensory Trampoline Space
  • Sports Barn with Air Bag
  • Mini Tramp Diving Board
  • Retractable Trampoline Floor
  • Floating Pontoon Trampoline
  • Upper Deck with Inset Trampoline
  • Spring Floor with In-Ground Trampoline & Air Bag
  • Open-Ended Tumble Trampoline with Foam Pit
  • Underlit LED Lighting System for Nighttime Use

Still not convinced?

We recommend the best equipment for you. By pairing your imagination with our expertise, we design custom trampoline sizes, graphics, custom logos and color options, add obstacle courses, air bags, foam pits and more!

We work with architects, engineers, interior designers, installers, excavators, and construction companies to make your unique home project a reality.

Case Study

custom Outdoor In-Ground Trampoline Package kit

Chris, a skiing enthusiast building a new home, wanted to elevate his home & himself with a super trampoline. As space was tight, the MaxAir Technical Team designed a custom in-ground super trampoline unit specifically for his location by engineering an internally braced retaining wall. The result? A seamless integration with the surrounding landscape that pleased Chris & his family for years to come!

custom Super Tramp

Bounce Surface: 10′ x 14′
Overall Perimeter: 16′ x 22′
Spring Pad Thickness: 7″

“I decided to get a tramp for my new house in order to improve my air awareness during skiing. The big ‘if’ was whether my wife would allow me to get one. “Where are you going to put it?” She asked. I searched and searched online and somehow ran into Max Air’s website. “No way, they’re in Grand Rapids Michigan?” I thought. Paul and Steve came out and measured the space I had and recommended a 14x10 tramp. After I got the quote I called Steve up and asked him to justify the crazy price tag. “Chris it’s hard to explain other than that this is the only high end custom tramp on the market. There’s a lot of things that go into our tramps, but they are the best.” I ended up pulling the trigger and we lined up a landscaper and got it installed. All I could say was “Wow, this thing is amazing”. We’ve had an in ground pool and a hot tub and I will tell you that this is a FAR better investment. My only regret is not planning for this tramp for the beginning of the building process. I would have gone a bit bigger and got even more padding (even though what we have works fine). On top of an amazing product, the Max Air team has awesome customer service. They have built two custom pitch mats for me and have done other things which were above and beyond. I cannot recommend them highly enough! Oh, and I forgot to mention the huge punchline to the experience: My wife LOVES the tramp because it actually looks great in our landscaping!”
Chris S.


MaxAir Trampolines transforms any space into a  haven. Are you looking for a fun family activity center? Or a serious athletic training station? We can do both. You won’t have to step too far outside your comfort zone once a custom MaxAir is at your door!

You are only limited by your imagination!

Frequently Asked Questions

What if space is limited?

MaxAir designs are custom-tailored to fit into your unique space. Our design team has the knowledge and first-hand experience to make your imagination come to life–even if space or budget is tight!

Once the trampoline arrives at my house, who will install the trampoline?

You can install the trampoline yourself with our installation guides and videos or you may hire a local landscape architect whom we will advise. Pending on availability, MaxAir Trampolines may be able to provide direct installation services.

When deciding the location of the trampoline in my yard, what should I be considering?

A level area and a shady location are best versus direct sunlight if possible. Make sure there are no obstacles above the area. For example, power lines, tree limbs, roof overhangs, or basketball hoops. Please refer to our installation guides and videos to make sure you have enough space for an in-ground pit prior to purchase.

Do I need to put a drain in the bottom of my pit?

This depends on your soil and local climate. Clay and rock soils that don’t drain well may need a drainage system. This could be a sump pump or catch basin drain with piping to a lower area of the lawn to avoid standing water in your trampoline pit. In most cases, this is unnecessary.

How are the trampoline sizes defined?

Our trampolines are defined by the size of the bouncing surface also known as a “bed.” Please be aware the outside perimeter will be larger depending on the safety padding options you select.

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